University of Wisconsin–Madison


Peer-Reviewed Publications  (in Review):

  1. Peng, K.,B. Wright, Y. Derin, S.H. Hartke, Z. Li, J. Tan, A Novel Near-Realtime Quasi-global Satellite-Only Ensemble Precipitation Dataset, in review, Water Resources Research.
  2. Alexander, G.A.,B. Voter, D.B. Wright, S.P. Loheide, Urban Ecohydrology: Resolving Sub-Grid Lateral Water and Energy Transfers in a Land Surface Model, in revision, Water Resources Research.
  3. Post, R, F. Quintero, W.F. Krajewski, D.B. Wright, Investigating Storage Utilization of Activated Distributed Storage Network for Peak Flow Reduction using Stochastic Storm Transposition, in revision, Hydrologic Engineering.
  4. Liu, Y.,B. Wright, D.J. Lorenz, A climate model-informed nonstationary stochastic rainfall generator for design flood analyses in continental-scale river basins, in review, Water Resources Research.

Peer-Reviewed Publications (Published or Accepted):

  1. Zoccatelli, D.,B. Wright, J.T. White, M.N. Fienen, G. Yu, Precipitation Uncertainty Estimation and Rainfall-runoff Model Calibration using Iterative Ensemble Smoothers, accepted, Advances in Water Resources.
  2. Vasconcelos, J.G., V. Geller, C. Triboni, D.B. Wright, B.R. Hodges, Evolution and Characterization of Pressurized Flow Conditions in Stormwater Collection Networks, accepted, Hydraulic Engineering.
  3. Yu, G., T. Liu, L.A. McGuire, D.B. Wright, B.J. Hatchett, J.J. Miller, M. Berli, J. Giovando, M. Bartles, Process-based Quantification of the Role of Wildfire in Shaping Flood Frequency, Water Resources Research, 2023.
  4. Yu, G., Feng, J. Wang, D.B. Wright, Performance of Fire Danger Indices and Their Utility in Predicting Future Wildfire Danger over the Conterminous United States, Earth’s Future, 2023.
  5. Yu, G., B.J. Hatchett, J.J. Miller, M. Berli, D.B. Wright, J.F. Mejia, Seasonal Storm Characteristics Govern Urban Flash Flood Climatology in Arid Regions, Hydrometeorology, 2023.
  6. Alexander, S.O., M. Calice, D. Scheufele, D. Brossard, N. Krause, D.B. Wright, P. Block, The impact of extreme precipitation events and their variability on climate change beliefs, Weather, Climate, and Society,
  7. Mascaro, G., S.M. Papalexiou, D.B. Wright, Advancing Characterization and Modeling of Space-Time Correlation Structure and Marginal Distribution of Short-Duration Precipitation, Advances in Water Resources, 2023.
  8. Zhuang, Q., Z. Zhou, S. Liu, D.B. Wright, L. Gao, The evaluation and downscaling-calibration of IMERG precipitation products at sub-daily scales over a metropolitan region, Flood Risk Management, 2023.
  9. Yu, G., J.J. Miller, B.J. Hatchett, M. Berli, D.B. Wright, C. McDougall, Z. Zhu, The Nonstationary Flood Hydrology of an Urbanizing Arid Watershed, Hydrometeorology, 2023.
  10. Li, Z.,B. Wright, S.H. Hartke, D.B. Kirschbaum, S. Khan, V. Maggioni, Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter, Toward A Globally-Applicable Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Satellite Multisensor Precipitation Products based on GPM DPR, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Remote Sensing, 2023.
  11. Hartke, S.,B. Wright, F. Quintero, A.S. Falck, Incorporating IMERG Satellite Precipitation Uncertainty into Seasonal and Peak Streamflow Predictions using the Hillslope Link Hydrological Model, J. Hydrology, 2023.
  12. Andersen, C.B.,B. Wright, and S. Thorndahl, Sub-Hourly to Daily Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Estimation Using Stochastic Storm Transposition and Discontinuous Radar Data, Water, 2022.
  13. Hartke, S.H., and D.B. Wright, Where Can IMERG Provide a Better Precipitation Estimate than Interpolated Gauge Data?, Remote Sensing, 2022.
  14. Zhuang, Q., Z. Zhou, S. Liu, D.B. Wright, Bivariate Rainfall Frequency Analysis in an Urban Watershed: Combining Copula Theory with Stochastic Storm Transposition, Hydrology, 2022.
  15. Li, Y., B. Wright, and B.P. Bledsoe, Watershed Controls and Tropical Cyclone-Induced Changes in River Hydraulic Geometry in Puerto Rico, J. Hydrology: Regional Studies, 2022.
  16. Liu, Y., D.B. Wright, A Storm-centered Multivariate Modeling of Extreme Precipitation Frequency Based on Atmospheric Water Balance, Hydrologic and Earth Systems Science, 2022.
  17. Hartke, S.H.,B. Wright, Li, Z., Maggioni, V., Kirschbaum, D., Khan, S., Ensemble Representation of Satellite Precipitation Uncertainty using an Uncalibrated, Nonstationary, Anisotropic Autocorrelation Model, Water Resources Research, 2022.
  18. Li, Y., B. Wright, and Y. Liu, Flood-Induced Geomorphic Change of Floodplain Extent and Depth: A Case Study of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, J. Hydrologic Engineering, 2022.
  19. G., D.B. Wright, F.V. Davenport, Diverse Physical Processes Drive Upper-Tail Flood Quantiles in the US Mountain West, Geophysical Research Letters, 2022.
  20. Mishra, A., et al., An overview of flood concepts, challenges, and future directions, Hydrologic Engineering, 2022.
  21. Ivanov, V. Y., D. Xu, M.C. Dwelle, K. Sargsyan, D.B. Wright, N. Katopodes, et al. Breaking down the computational barriers to real-time urban flood forecasting. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021.
  22. Zhou, Z., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, D.B. Wright, B.K. Smith, S. Liu, The impact of spatiotemporal structure of rainfall on flood frequency over a small urban watershed: an approach coupling stochastic storm transposition and hydrologic modeling, Hydrologic and Earth Systems Science, 2021.
  23. Alizadeh, B., A.G. Bafti, H. Kamangir, Y. Zhang, D.B. Wright, K.J. Franz, A novel attention-based LSTM cell post-processor coupled with bayesian optimization for streamflow prediction, Hydrology, 2021.
  24. Perez Mesa, G., J. Gomez-Velez, R. Mantilla, D. B. Wright, Li, The Effect of Storm Direction on Flood Frequency Analysis Using Physically-Based Streamflow Simulations, Geophysical Res. Letters, 2021.
  25. Yu, G.,B. Wright, K.D. Holman, Connecting Hydrometeorological Processes to Low-Probability Floods in the Mountainous Colorado Front Range, Water Resources Research, 2021.
  26. Wright, D.B., C. Samaras, T. Lopez-Cantu, Resilience to Extreme Rainfall Starts with Science, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2021.
  27. Peng, B., Q. Huang, J. Vongkusolkit, S. Gao, D.B. Wright, Z.N. Fang, Y. Qiang, Urban Flood Mapping with Bi-temporal Multispectral Imagery via a Self-supervised Learning Framework, IEEE J. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021.
  28. Butterworth B., et al., Connecting Land-Atmosphere Interactions to Surface Heterogeneity in CHEESEHEAD19, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2020.
  29. Li, Z., D.B. Wright, S.Q. Zhang, D.B. Kirschbaum, H. Hartke, Object-Based Comparison of Data-Driven and Physics-Driven Satellite Estimates of Extreme Rainfall, J. Hydrometeorology, 2020.
  30. Li, Y., Wright, D.B., Byrne, P.L., The Influence of Tropical Cyclones on the Evolution of River Conveyance Capacity in Puerto Rico, Water Resources Research, 2020.
  31. Yu, G., D.B. Wright, Li, The Upper Tail of Precipitation in Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Models and Their Utility in Nonstationary Rainfall and Flood Frequency Analysis, Earth’s Future, 2020.
  32. Hartke, S.H., D.B. Wright, D.B. Kirschbaum, T.A. Stanley, Li, Incorporation of Satellite Precipitation Uncertainty in a Landslide Hazard Nowcasting System, J. Hydrometeorology, 2020.
  33. Wright, D.B., Yu, J.F. England, Six Decades of Rainfall and Flood Frequency Analysis Using Stochastic Storm Transposition: Review, Progress, and Prospects, J. Hydrology, 2020.
  34. Sampson, A.,B. Wright, A. LoBue, R.D. Stewart, The Role of Rainfall Temporal and Spatial Averaging in Seasonal Simulations of the Terrestrial Water Balance, Hydrologic Processes, 2020.
  35. Dematatis, M., A. Plechacek, M. Mathews, M. Gotkowitz, F. Udenby, D.B. Wright, M. Ginder-Vogel, Spatial and temporal variability of radium in the Midwestern Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system in Wisconsin, AWWA Water Science, 2020.
  36. Bosma, C.D.,B. Wright, P. Nguyen, J.P. Kossin, D.C. Herndon, J.M. Shepherd, An intuitive metric to quantify and communicate tropical cyclone rainfall hazard, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2020.
  37. Perez Mesa, G., R. Mantilla, W.F. Krajewski, D.B. Wright, Using Physically-Based Streamflow Simulations to Assess Local and Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Methods, Water Resources Research, 2019.
  38. Wright, D.B.,D. Bosma, T. Lopez-Cantu, U.S. hydrologic design standards insufficient due to large increases in frequency of rainfall extremes, Geophysical Research Letters, 2019.
  39. Cristiano, E., Veldhuis, M.‐, Wright, D. B., Smith, J. A., & Giesen, N.,The influence of rainfall and catchment critical scales on urban hydrological response sensitivity. Water Resources Research, 2019.
  40. Yu, G.,B. Wright, Z. Zhu, C. Smith, K. Holman, Process-based flood frequency analysis in an agricultural watershed exhibiting nonstationary flood seasonality, Hydrol. and Earth Sys. Science, 2019.
  41. Zhou, Z., Smith, J. A., Wright, D. B., Baeck, M. L., Yang, L., & Liu, S., Storm catalog‐based analysis of rainfall heterogeneity and frequency in a complex terrain, Water Resources Research, 2019.
  42. Wright, D.B., K. Holman, Rescaling Transposed Extreme Rainfall Within a Heterogeneous Region, Hydrologic Engineering, 2019.
  43. Zhu, Z., Wright, D. B., & Yu, G., The impact of rainfall space‐time structure in flood frequency analysis. Water Resources Research, 2018.
  44. Wright, D. B., Rainfall Information for Global Flood Modeling. In Global Flood Hazard (eds G. J. Schumann, P. D. Bates, H. Apel and G. T. Aronica), 2018 (Winner of 2019 American Association of Publishers Best Book in Earth Science PROSE award).
  45. Wright, D.B., D.B. Kirschbaum, S. Yatheendradas, Satellite Precipitation Characterization, Error Modeling, and Error Correction Using Censored Shifted Gamma Distributions, Hydrometeorology 2017.
  46. Wright, D.B., R. Mantilla, and C.D. Peters-Lidard. A remote sensing-based tool for assessing rainfall-driven hazards, Environmental Modelling & Software, 2017.
  47. Lee, H., D.E. Waliser, R. Ferraro, T. Iguchi, C.D. Peters-Lidard, B. Tian, P.C. Loikith, D.B. Wright, Evaluating hourly rainfall characteristics over the US Great Plains in dynamically downscaled climate model simulations using NASA-Unified WRF, Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2017.
  48. Ayalew, T.B., W.F. Krajewski, R. Mantilla, D.B. Wright, S. Small. Effect of Spatially Distributed Small Dams on Flood Frequency: Insights from the Soap Creek Watershed, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2017.
  49. Wright, D.B., T.R. Knutson, J.A. Smith. Regional Climate Model Projections of Rainfall from U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones, Climate Dynamics, 2015.
  50. Wright, D.B., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck. Flood Frequency Analysis Using Radar Rainfall Fields and Stochastic Storm Transposition, Water Resources Research, 2014.
  51. Wright, D.B., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, M.L. Baeck. Long-term high-resolution radar rainfall fields for urban hydrology, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2014.
  52. Wright, D.B., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, Critical examination of area reduction factors, Hydrologic Engineering, 2014.
  53. Wright, D.B., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, M.L. Baeck. Estimating the frequency of extreme rainfall using weather radar and stochastic storm transposition, J. Hydrology, 2013.
  1. Smith, J.A., M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, D.B. Wright, W.F. Krajewski. Extreme Flood Response: The June 2008 Flooding in Iowa, Hydrometeorology, 2013.
  2. Yang, L., J.A. Smith, D.B. Wright, M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, F. Tian, H. Hu. Urbanization and Climate Change: An Examination of Nonstationarities in Urban Flooding, Hydrometeorology, 2013.
  3. Smith, B.K, J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, D.B. Wright, The Spectrum of Storm Event Hydrologic Response in Urban Watersheds, Water Resources Research, 2013.
  4. Wright, D.B., J. A. Smith, G. Villarini, M. L. Baeck, Applications of Radar-Based Rainfall Estimates for Urban Flood Studies, Stormwater and Urban Water Systems Modeling, Monograph 21 (Ed. W. James), Computational Hydraulics International, Guelph, ON Canada, 2013.
  5. Wright, D.B., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, M.L. Baeck. The hydroclimatology of flash flooding in Atlanta, Water Resources Research, 2012.