University of Wisconsin–Madison
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Our research team works in a number of research areas with the field of computational hydrometeorology and hydroclimatology:

  • Measurement, modeling, and analysis of extreme rainfall at high resolution using a variety of sources including rain gages, ground-based weather radar, satellite-based sensors, and numerical weather and climate models.
  • Understanding the roles of rainfall and land surface process variability and interactions to produce floods at a wide range of scales using high-resolution multi-scale supercomputer-based watershed models.
  • Interfacing with meteorologists and climate scientists to translate projected changes in extreme precipitation from regional and global climate models into projections of future risks.
  • Developing practical tools for improved probabilistic rainfall and flood hazard and risk estimation.

We invite discussion and collaboration on these topics and any others. Those interested in undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate research opportunities should feel free to contact us about possible openings.