University of Wisconsin–Madison

The Wisconsin Rainfall Project

The Wisconsin Rainfall Project was created by the Hydroclimate Extremes Research Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) and the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI). There are two main components: 1.)  present day extreme rainfall statistics from NOAA Atlas 14 and from UW’s RainyDay software; 2.) projection of future extreme rainfall statistics using the UW Probabilistic Downscaling method.

Disclaimer: The rainfall statistics presented here are the result of applied research conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They do not supersede the requirements of codes and ordinances that may apply to a particular area or design situation. This data is provided for the user’s information only, with no type of guarantee.


This project was supported by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the City of Madison.

Additional Information:

2-Page Briefs: For basic information on the purpose, methods and key findings of each component visit the following links: 1. Updated Extreme Rainfall Information using RainyDay; and 2. Future Extreme Rainfall Information using Downscaling.

More Links:

  • You may visit the NOAA Atlas 14 webpage or the RainyDay webpage for direct access to the software. You may also access additional RainyDay materials through GitHub.
  • Details on the data and methods used in this project can be found here
    For access to the original files containing the RainyDay results used in this application click here (files in .asc format)
  • If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Daniel Wright (