Basic Version
Web-based RainyDay (Basic)
Recommendation: Please set the SST domain at least 5 times larger than the watershed!
1. Define the duration of rainfall accumulation period in hours.
2. Define the SST Domain and Catchment
SST Domain
3. Email Address. (Simulation outputs will be sent to your email address.)
4. Run RainyDay simulation.
Run RainyDay
Web-based RainyDay (Advanced)
1. Define Simulation Mode (we recommend starting with a diagnostic run).
Full Run
Diagnostic Run
2. Define rainfall input dataset.
NLDAS (Data Available from 1979 to 2016) ---
Stage IV (Data Available from 2002 to 2017) ---
TRMM TMPA (Data Available from 1998 to 2016) ---
3-1. Define the duration of rainfall accumulation period in hours.
3-2. Define how many storms to include in the process (we recommend at least 5 times the length of the input dataset in years).
3-3. Define the maximum return period you want computed (example: 500).
3-4. Define how many years of long sequences to be generated.
3-5. Define the minimum separation time in hours between two storms in the storm catalog (We recommend at least 24 hours).
3-6. Define the minimum return period for which a spacetime rainfall scenario will be written.
3-7. Return Levels.Specify certain return periods for which you want to produce output scenarios and frequency analyses.
Default - (Return Period: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,1000)
All years
4. Print Diagnostic Plots? ( Create diagnostic plots in JPG format. )
5-1. Define months (1-2 digit numeric) to be excluded from the storm catalog creation.
(Months must be comma separated.)
5-2. Define start and end year.
5-3. Which storms, if any, to exclude. To exclude certain storms that are part of the storm catalog but which you do not
wish to include in subsequent frequency analysis or spacetime rainfall scenarios.
This is useful if a diagnostic run has revealed that there are unrealistic radar artifacts in certain storms.
6-1. Define how the spatial transposition should be done.
6-2. Define the method used for generating the number of storms to be transposed for each synthetic "year".
7. Define the boundaries of the Transposition Domain.
Upload the irregular domain shape file (EPSG: 4326)
1. Select
extension file
2. Select
extension file
3. Select
extension file
4. Select
extension file
8. Define the catchment. (Area of interest)
Upload the shape file (EPSG: 4326)
1. Select
extension file
2. Select
extension file
3. Select
extension file
4. Select
extension file
9. Rainfall Intensity Sensitivity Analysis.
For example, an input of 5.0 means that the intensity of rainfall will be increased by 5%.
10. Rainfall Frequency Sensitivity Analysis. If "YES", Field 6-2 must be set to "POISSON".
For example, an input of -15.0 means that the rate of storm occurrences will be reduced by 15%.
11. Email Address. (Simulation outputs will be sent to your email address.)
12. Run RainyDay simulation.
Run RainyDay